Bindu Sahdev

Educationalist Author & Editor Learning Coach Problem Solver Innovative Thinker Curriculum Developer Strategic Planner Workshop Facilitator


About Me

A post graduate in Physics (Double Gold Medallist), I am a creative, dedicated and a highly committed professional with 25 years of experience in administration & operations, trainings & teaching experience.

I believe in a blended approach to develop a passion for Math and Scientific method among young learners and teachers by using experiential learning plans, technology and differentiated teaching strategies in a multicultural classroom.

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Work Experience

Core Competencies

Strategic Planning

Defining operational plans for ensuring smooth running of the education centers.Providing leadership to teaching and administrative staff ensuring high quality of teaching is imparted. Following board policies regarding the budgetary process and procedures.

Training & Innovation

Helping Schools by modifying the curriculum and pedagogy as per NEP 2020 & NCF 2022 and bringing innovations in the classrooms through Hands on learning – Science & MATH. Developing STEM curriculum as club activity for classes K-12 and providing training classes.

Teaching & Development

Developing and updating course syllabi as per latest requirements; monitor conduct of Tests & Exams. Guiding & mentoring students in executing various academic / industry projects. Effective teaching and understanding of the national curriculum and a range of assessment requirements through students & parents orientations.

Administration / Operations

Planning and organizing workshops, seminars, orientation programs as a resource person. Defining operational plans for ensuring smooth running of the centres.

Projects & Workshops

Development of Curriculum for camps & clubs, experiential learning – Hands on activities –Science & Math Activity based. Planning & Implementation of Academic Projects – Educational & Creative Competitions.


Functioned as a Core team member for NURSERY Admission, Teachers demos, interviews, class observations. Directed stage shows- Bonvoyage and Madhur Bhandhan. Conducted workshops for Math & Science for teachers on strategies used, experiential learning, Singapore mathematics for Primary Math, Microlesson Planning, NEP, Class Teaching Strategies, leadership skills, SDG Integration and many more.

Let's Align Our Synergies To Enhance 21st Century Learning!

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